Stonecroft News FAQ

What is

Stonecroft News was conceived as a community website that covers news and topics of interest to current property owners of the Stonecroft Community in Charlotte, NC. Stonecroft News is not affiliated with the developer of the Stonecroft Community or the Stonecroft Homeowners Association.

You might think of Stonecroft News as a community newspaper, and the editorial content of Stonecroft News represents the perspectives and opinions of the authors.


Stonecroft News provides an additional outlet for information regarding our community.

Stonecroft news was developed for the benefit of current owners for discussing current topics of interest. The goal of Stonecroft News is to provide for the open discussion of current topics related to our community.

Can I participate in the discussion?

One way you can participate is to subscribe to the Stonecroft Grapevine, a community email mailing list. Subscribers to the Grapevine receive messages from members of the Stonecroft community, and can post messages to the mail list. Click here to subscribe to the Stonecroft Grapevine.

Please be sure to stay on topic, and be kind and fair in your comments. Remember the golden rule.

How can I contact the editor?

Send an email addressed to: sgirard at bigsea dot com (type it like it sounds).


All posts, articles, and discussions on this web site are the opinions of the individual authors and should only be considered as opinions. This web site and its authors are not associated with the Stonecroft Homeowners Association or its Board of Directors or Colony Road Partners or its affiliates.